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Updating Chainlit

Begin the migration by updating Chainlit to the latest version:

pip install --upgrade chainlit

What changes?

The Chainlit UI (including the copilot) has been completely re-written with Shadcn/Tailwind. This brings several advantages:

  1. The codebase is simpler and more contribution friendly.
  2. It enabled the new custom element feature.
  3. The theme customisation is more powerful.

Full changelog available here.

How to migrate?

1. Regenerate the config file

The following fields have been removed from the config.toml file:

  1. follow_symlink: Chainlit no longer uses StaticFiles to serve files.
  2. font_family, custom_font, [UI.theme]: Theme customisation now uses a separate file.
  3. audio: Chainlit audio streaming has been rework to match the realtime APIs.

You can either manually remove those field or remove the .chainlit/config.toml file and restart your application.

All of the authentication mechanisms now use cookie auth instead of directly using a JWT. This change makes Chainlit more secure.

This does not require any change in your app code. However, this implies that Chainlit is now more picky about cross origins (for instance when using a copilot on a website).

If you need to consume a Chainlit app on a different origin, make sure you allow it in the config.toml under allow_origins.

3. Actions

  1. The value field has replaced with payload which accepts a Python dict. This makes actions more useful.
  2. The description field has been renamed tooltip.
  3. The field icon has been added. You can use any lucide icon name.
  4. The collapsed field has been removed.

4. Copilot Widget Config

  1. The fontFamily field has been removed. Check the new custom theme documentation.
  2. the field has been replaced with button.className. You can use any tailwind class to style the widget button.