
default: "My Chatbot"

The name of both the application and the chatbot.


The content of the <meta name="description"> of the application.

Literal['hidden', 'tool_call', 'full']
default: "full"

The chain of thought (COT) is a feature that shows the user the steps the chatbot took to reach a conclusion. You can hide the COT, only show the tool calls, or show it in full.

default: true

When handling large text content we collapse it for keeping the threads concise. You can disable manually disable this behavior.

default: false

Sub-messages are hiden by default, you can “expand” the parent message to show those messages. Toggling this setting will display the sub-messages by default.


Passing this option will display a Github-shaped link. If not passed we will display the link to Chainlit repo.

Default configuration

# Name of the app and chatbot.
name = "Chatbot"

# Description of the app and chatbot. This is used for HTML tags.
# description = ""

# Large size content are by default collapsed for a cleaner ui
default_collapse_content = true

# The default value for the expand messages settings.
default_expand_messages = false

# Chain of Thought (CoT) display mode. Can be "hidden", "tool_call" or "full".
cot = "full"

# Link to your github repo. This will add a github button in the UI's header.
# github = ""

# Specify a CSS file that can be used to customize the user interface.
# The CSS file can be served from the public directory or via an external link.
# custom_css = "/public/test.css"

  #layout = "wide"
  #font_family = "Inter, sans-serif"
  # Override default MUI light theme. (Check theme.ts)
      #background = "#FAFAFA"
      #paper = "#FFFFFF"

          #main = "#F80061"
          #dark = "#980039"
          #light = "#FFE7EB"

  # Override default MUI dark theme. (Check theme.ts)
      #background = "#FAFAFA"
      #paper = "#FFFFFF"

          #main = "#F80061"
          #dark = "#980039"
          #light = "#FFE7EB"